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Cruising the Canary Islands & Morocco

Explore the stunning natural beauty of the Canary Islands and treasures of the rose-pink cities of Morocco on a small ship. This is a one-of-a-kind journey, featuring scenic coastlines and idyllic ports rarely visited by larger vessels. Visit La Palma’s Mirador de la Concepción for panoramic views of Caldera de Taburiente. Enjoy excursions to the spectacular island of Tenerife, and the 1,000-year-old city of Marrakesh; see the iconic, white-washed buildings of Casablanca, and walk through the ancient city of Fez. Enhance your journey with the Las Palmas Pre-Program and/or the Casablanca Post-Program Option.

Learn more about the full itinerary for each trip and reserve a space

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April 8

April CommuniTEA

April 18

Join Mills Professor, Ajuan Mance, at Menlo Park DocFest