This year our application is fully online! Please apply using the webform on this page.

The AAMC Board of Governors is a group of volunteers who lead the organization in service to the AAMC and Mills College alumnae. Leadership by the Board is essential to setting a positive direction in this crucial time in the organization’s history. As a board member, you have the opportunity to help by developing new programs and initiatives to better connect alumnae through networking and learning opportunities, and to champion the Mills College legacy through community engagement, communication, and celebration.

Applications for the Board are considered by the Nominating Committee, a member-elected committee of the Board of Governors. The Nominating Committee seeks to develop a diverse slate of candidates, while keeping in mind the Board’s present composition and the AAMC’s future needs. It considers applicant attributes such as:

  • a broad concern for the AAMC and the legacy of Mills College as a whole,

  • a commitment to invest the time and energy needed for effective service,

  • a willingness to understand and desire to work with complex organizations and challenges,

  • leadership and consensus-building skills,

  • experience on boards or in a professional area important to the AAMC’s needs,

  • an interest in and concern for higher education.

The Nominating Committee then recommends a slate of nominees to the Board of Governors.


The Board meets via Zoom every other month at minimum to develop goals and objectives, address challenges, establish direction, assist with planning, and monitor Alumnae Association finances. Service on the Board often involves added volunteer hours beyond scheduled meetings. The Board consists of 11 to 15 governors who are selected by the Nominating Committee from applications submitted by the membership. Participation is open to all Alumnae Association members. Members are people who enrolled in Mills College as either undergrads or graduate students and completed at least one semester.

The application deadline is APRIL 18, 2025 at 11:59 PM PT. If you have any questions, please contact us at


Board of Governors Candidate APPLICATION

The deadline to apply for nomination to the Board of Governors is

APRIL 18, 2025 at 11:59 PM PT.

Please only apply yourself, do not nominate others!

The provided information is intended for review by the Nominating Committee.